

An Appreciation of Summerway Watchers


Don’t bother to read this page if it doesn’t catch your interest. It is definitely not essential to the campaign in any way.

These are a few personal thoughts and observations, and if you regard them as irrelevant, please just ignore them.


The Summerway Watchers group was founded to counteract Exeter City Council’s apparent wish to eradicate all memory of Summerway Tennis, which we regard as important to keep alive. The partnership was such a brilliant concept that it would be tragic if it were allowed to die and pass into oblivion simply because this Council effectively withdrew.  The sole object of our campaign in support of the Club is to benefit children and community, with no thought of personal advantage.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive” is a proven saying in my experience.  I give cheerfully, feeling it is our duty to bring up our children properly and serve those around us.  Standing up for others and for what is right is a fundamental part of my nature, for which I seek no credit.  I was expecting nothing in return, but the Watchers group has yielded a surprise spin-off, which has really delighted me.

I love people and find them fascinating.  All through life, I have enjoyed spending time and sharing with countless others, and it gives great pleasure to encounter anyone from the past with whom I have memories in common, especially when we haven’t been able to stay in touch.  I don’t know whether it is because most people care for others, or whether it is the company I keep, but I am finding a tremendous take-up of my offer for those I meet to become Summerway Watchers.  I prize the opportunity to have this link with those of like mind, and wish to emphasise how much each of you is valued.

The ever increasing number of Watchers passed another ‘hundred’ landmark over the Christmas period.  However, it isn’t numbers that counts with me, but each individual person who shows by their actions that those around them matter.  Such I admire, respect and appreciate.

If you are a Summerway Watcher and receiving our emails, thank you for your moral support.  The knowledge that so many understand and are in sympathy with our campaign is inspirational, and a great encouragement to perseverance.